Lucky Number of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Lucky Number of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is 3

Number 3 represent the planet Jupiter. Persons having lucky number 3 or their birth number are all those who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month. Number 3 people are highly ambitious. They want to fulfill their big dreams but fail due to their circumstances, they are able to make their way through troubles. They cannot sit idle, and need good work. They are excellent in the execution of commands, they love order and dicipline in all things, they readily obey orders themselves. But they also insist on having their order obeyed. They hardly love friends but give prime importance to money. They manage their social responsibilities. They often rise to the very highest positions in any business, profession or sphere in which they may be found. They often excel in positions of authority in the army and navy, in government, and in life generally and especially in all posts of trust and responsibility as they are extremely conscientious in carrying out their duties. They are better observers and investigators. They are short tempered and emotional, also pessimistic. If they avoid being so they can be more successful. Number 3 people are more in harmony with those born under their own number or under the 6 and 9, such as all those who are born and 34th, 12th, 21st, 30. For lucky colours they should wear some shade of violet or purple or some touch of these colours.

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